Papercore #12 is out!!

The Winter 2024 issue of Papercore is out!

Printed at CALE (Marseille). Cover front design by Manon Rupp. Inner cover from Maria & Pascal.

Already available (or in the days to come) in our distribution points. A4, 28 pages long. Write us if you want to distribute it or order a single copy. They are “prix libre” (pay what you want), but cost about 3€ to print and ship worldwide. We privilege punkpost.

This issue has an interview of Kat’zon La’tevach, Linsday Control Interview, No Sanctuary tout Report, Yarostan Tour Report pt2, Izero Hardcore Fest Report, Rozz Fest Report, reviews, columns…

The deadline for Papercore #13 is set for April 1st as to get it out in May.

Take care,
The papercore crew

Papercore #11 is out!

The Summer 2023 issue of Papercore is out!

Printed at CALE (Marseille). Cover front design by Assat.

Already available (or in the days to come) in our distribution points. A4, 28 pages long. Write us if you want to distribute it or order a single copy. They are “prix libre” (pay what you want), but cost about 3€ to print and ship worldwide. We privilege punkpost.

This issue has an interview of Berlin Youth Archive, Yarostan Tour Report, Australia Trip Report, reviews, columns…

The deadline for Papercore #12 is set for October 1th as to get it out in December.

Take care,
The papercore crew

Papercore #10 is out!

The Winter 2023 issue of Papercore is out!

Printed at CALE (Marseille). Cover front design by Leo.

Already available (or in the days to come) in our distribution points. A4, 20 pages long. Write us if you want to distribute it or order a single copy. They are “prix libre” (pay what you want), but cost about 3€ to print and ship worldwide. We privilege punkpost.

This issue has an interview of Tsss collective Space (Georgia), last Fluff fest Report, an article about the Anarchopunk Federation in Spain, columns, reviews, comics…

The deadline for Papercore #11 is set for Mars 1th as to get it out in May.

Take care,
The papercore crew

Papercore #09 is out

The Summer 2023 issue of Papercore is out (thanks Ursula for your catty help)!

Printed in Toulouse. Cover front & back design by Arthur Plateau.

Already available (or in the days to come) in our distribution points. A4, 20 pages long. Write us if you want to distribute it or order a single copy. They are “prix libre” (pay what you want), but cost about 3€ to print and ship worldwide. We privilege punkpost.

This issue has an interview of Pozoga (Ireland), Ire tour Report, Manual de Combate (Chile) interview, columns, reviews, comics…

The deadline for Papercore #10 is set for October 1th as to get it out in December.

Take care,
The papercore crew

Papercore #8 is out!

The winter 2022 issue of Papercore is out!

Printed in Toulouse. Cover design by Brynn Wileis. Cover back by Kit Brixton.

Already available (or in the days to come) in our distribution points. A4, 26 pages long. Write us if you want to distribute it or order a single copy. They are “prix libre” (pay what you want), but cost about 3€ to print and ship worldwide. We privilege punkpost.

This issue has an interview of Sangre de Muerdago (originally published online here), Fluff Fest Report, Janpalach interview, columns, reviews, comics…

The deadline for Papercore #9 is set for April 1th as to get it out in May.

Take care,
The papercore crew

Papercore #7 is out!

The summer 2022 issue of Papercore #7 is out!

Printed in Toulouse. Screenprinted cover made in La Turbine (Toulouse), design from Erzebet Von Bat.

It’ll be mailed to usual distros within the next week. A4, 25 pages long. Write us if you want to distribute it or order a single copy. They are “prix libre” (pay what you want), but cost about 3€ to print and ship worldwide. We privilege punkpost.

This issue has an interview of Irregular Rhythm Asylum  (infokiosk from Tokyo), DIY Bike Workshops’ second part article, reflections of Ukrainian war, columns,  reviews…

The deadline for Papercore #8 is set for November 1th as to get it out in December.

Take care,
The papercore crew

Papercore #06 is out!

The Winter 2021 issue of Papercore #6 is out!

Printed in Toulouse with a cover artwork by Blank_City. It’ll be mailed to usual distros within the next week. A4, 30 pages long. Write us if you want to distribute it or order a single copy. They are “prix libre” (pay what you want), but cost about 3€ to print and ship worldwide. We do privilege punkpost, but it doesn’t seem like this chaos is going anywhere soon.

This issue has an interview of YOU (zine maker from Australia). There’s an article about DIY Bike Workshops, another for cassette duplication, recipes, reviews…

The deadline for Papercore #7 is set for April 1th as to get it out in May.

Take care,
The papercore crew

Papercore #05 is out

The Summer 2021 issue of Papercore #45is out, printed in Toulouse with a cover artwork by Brique Noir. It’ll be mailed to usual distros within the next week. A4, 30 pages long. Write us if you want to distribute it or order a single copy. They are “prix libre” (pay what you want), but cost about 3€ to print and ship worldwide. We do privilege punkpost, but it doesn’t seem like this chaos is going anywhere soon.

This issue has two band interview, TENUE (from Galiza, Spain) and REBEL RIOT (from Myannmar). There’s an article about gig cartoons by John Davidson and several DIY and food tutorials.

The deadline for Papercore #6 is set for November 1th as to get it out in december

Take care

The papercore crew

Papercore #4 is out!

The winter 2020-2021 issue of Papercore #4 is out, printed this time between Toulouse and Marseille and with a cover artwork by Carotide. It’ll be mailed to usual distros within the next week. A4, 40 pages long, mostly text. Write us if you want to distribute it or order a single copy. They are “prix libre” (pay what you want), but cost about 3€ to print and ship worldwide. We do privilege punkpost, but it doesn’t seem like this chaos is going anywhere soon.

This issue has the second half of the AASON interview started in #3, as well as a tour report by ACCIDENTE in south-east Asia and even a short tour report by TENDRESSE VIOLENCE in the Tarn region of France. There’s an interview of the folks behind the Instant Grattification monthly short movie challenge and a Provence scene report, plus reviews and columns.

The deadline for Papercore #5 is set for April 15th as to get it out in time for May Day.

Take care & Stay warm,

The papercore crew